Karachi High School 🕵️‍♀️

Karachi, Pakistan

How might we share our condolences with the families of the deceased?


Karachi High School is a non-profit organization, providing children from the outskirts of Karachi with comprehensive educational opportunities through internationally recognized and standardized programs that move beyond textbook learning and allow direct hands-on experiences. It is one of the few institutions offering the Cambridge International Primary Program (CIPP) and Cambridge Lower Secondary Program (CLSP). The school system consists of 5 Stages, from Foundation Stage to Matric. Foundation Stage: Foundation and Reception, Key Stage 1: Year 1 and Year 2, Key Stage 2: Year 3 to Year 6, Key Stage 3: Year 7 to Year 9, and Key Stage 4: Year 10 and Year 11. 

I coordinated the art department for Key Stages 2, 3, and 4. I designed, developed, and implemented an innovative curriculum that explored the principles of design, art, and art movements. 

Children at Karachi High School sat through the quiet morning of 20 December 2014 to grieve over the lost souls of Army Public School who were brutally murdered on 16 December 2014. This day is called the Black Day for Pakistan because sadness over-shadowed the entire nation. We designed cards for the families of the deceased to share our condolences, which were sent to them via post.